Hello, Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2032!
As our students wind down their final year at the Elementary Center, we have LOTS of fun things in store and we want to make sure you don't miss a thing!
5th Grade Activity FUN-d
This year, we're trying something new. In order to continue to offer our 5th Grade students lots of FUN to commemorate their time at UMPS and UMIS, we're introducing the 5th Grade Activity FUN-d! The 5th Grade Activity FUN-d will be used to provide Yearbooks, 5th Grade T-Shirts, Activity Day, and end of the year treats for our Class of 2032.
In previous years, the entire Intermediate School fundraised ALL YEAR to pay for these 5th Grade purchases. Here's a look at what the HSA provides for each 5th Grade student:
- 5th Grade Yearbook: $25
- Activity Day T-Shirt: $7.50
- Activity Day Lunch: $10
- Treats and Extras: $5
We love continuing these traditions for our students, but we need your help! Would you consider contributing $30 to the 5th Grade Activity FUN-d? Together, we can ensure that these traditions continue for the Class of 2032!
5th Grade Class Gift
Each year, the outgoing 5th Grade Class provides a gift for the Intermediate School to commemorate their time here and give back to their school. This year, our 5th Grade Dollar Drive will raise money for a gift, to be voted on by the Class of 2032! Send any gift ideas to UMElementaryHSA@gmail.com Stay tuned for more info about collection dates for our Dollar Drive!
5th Grade Yearbook
The 5th Grade Yearbook is a time-honored tradition that our students and staff LOVE each year. It's a way of looking back and celebrating our students and their successes at UMIS. The Yearbook Committee needs your help!
Please email ONE photo of your student between ages 0-2 with your student’s first and last name AND Homeroom Teacher to: umclassof2032yearbook@gmail.com
BABY PHOTOS ARE NEEDED ASAP to ensure they are included in the yearbook!
Thank you for your help! Class of 2032 Yearbook Committee
Yearbook Photos Needed
We rely on pictures being sent in by parents. If you want to see your child’s smiling face in the yearbook be sure to send pictures from any school events to: Umclassof2032yearbook@gmail.co
These are some of the categories of photos we are looking for:
- Halloween
- Boosterthon
- Music
- Field trip fun
- Back 2 school
- Virtual days
- UMIS fun
- Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving
- Pink out/special days/honor society
- Field day fun
- UMIS clubs: E-club, Math, Reading Olympics, Spanish, K-Kids
- Activities outside school
Thank you for your help!
Interested in joining the Yearbook Committee? You can sign up to join here!
Yearbook Cover Contest through 3/13:
Every yearbook needs a great cover! We're asking our 5th Grade Class for their help. Interested students may submit a cover design to their homeroom teacher between now and March 13th. You can find our more information and cover specficiations on this flyer.
Save the Date
5th Grade VIP Dance: Friday, April 11th 6:00-8:00 at UMIS (Adult must attend with student)
5th Grade Egg Drop Finals: Monday, June 2nd 9:00 AM
5th Grade Talent Show: Monday, June 2nd 1:00-2:30 PM
5th Grade Promotion (TENTATIVE): Friday, June 6th 1:00
5th Grade Yearbook Signing Day (TENTATIVE): Tuesday, June 10th during school